Speccy by Marat Fayzullin 1.7
555 KB

Speccy by Marat Fayzullin 1.7

Excellent tool for anyone looking to work with Sinclair ZX Spectrum machines
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Latest version:
1.7.0 See all
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Awards (1)
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Software Informer Virus Free award
555 KB

Speccy by Marat Fayzullin is an excellent tool for anyone looking to work with Sinclair ZX Spectrum machines. It makes it easy to create customized emulated environments for the 16kB, 48kB, and 128kB versions of +2, +2A, and +3, and Timex models. The integration of different joystick types is also a great feature. Overall, Speccy is a great tool for anyone interested in working with Sinclair ZX Spectrum machines.

Speccy emulates 16kB, 48kB, and 128kB versions of Sinclair ZX Spectrum, as well as Spectrum +2, +2A, and +3, as well as Timex Sinclair models.
At the moment, Speccy supports all types of ZX Spectrum joysticks and the Kempston mouse. The AMX mouse support is not yet complete. Both ZX printer and the Timex (aka Alphacom 32) printer are supported and will print to a file using ASCII "graphics". AY8910 PSG chip is obviously supported, in both 128k and Fuller modes. Only BetaDisk/TR-DOS disk interface is currently supported, although other disk, wafer, or microdrive devices appear on the menu. These are being worked on.

Speccy will load files in .Z80, .SNA, .TAP, .TZX, .FDI, .TRD, and .SCL formats. It will also load screenshots in the .SCR format. You may save files in .Z80, .SNA, .FDI, .TRD, .SCL, and .SCR formats. Please notice that F4 starts/stops tape while F5 invokes the platform-independent configuration menu. Some options on this menu are not available from Windows menus. Use ALT+ENTER to switch between windowed and full screen modes. ALT+PGUP increases audio volume while ALT+PGDOWN decreases it. Finally, pressing PGUP will fast forward the emulation to skip over lengthy operations like tape loaders.

Speccy has an interesting feature of automatically converting ZX beeper sounds into MIDI score and storing the soundtrack to a log for later playback. Choose "Audio | Convert Wave To Melody" and then "Audio | Log Melodic Sound" menu options to enable this feature.



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